Fabrik: La Chaux de Fonds

Fabrik: La Chaux de Fonds

Fabrik: La Chaux de Fonds

©2025 Philippe Charriol  International Ltd.

When you think of watches, Switzerland comes to mind. And when you think of Swiss watches, you should be thinking of La Chaux-de-Fonds. The city is the most important center of the watch-making region known as Watch Valley. Since the founding of Charriol, we have sourced our suppliers from this historic region, working hand-in-hand for decades with families of watchmakers and artisans who safeguard the techniques that make Swiss horology the best in the world.

©2025 Philippe Charriol  International Ltd.

Similar to other great craftsmanship traditions (couture in France, for example), each factory has its own specialization that they perfect to an art. On an early spring day this year, I visited a few of our partners in the region to get a behind-the-scenes look at the creation and assembly of each of our Charriol timepieces. My favorite visit of the day, and the one that we’ve always been most proud of, is the production of our signature twisted cable - a 27-step artisanal process that ensures visual and functional quality of the highest degree. The pride we have in this tradition is why the Charriol cable is always the heartstring of our design, a testament to all the many hands whose dedication and expertise come together to make a Charriol watch.